I've been told that I write like a male chauvinist pig, but ironically lot of women often agree to an extent to most of the things I say (well the one's who reply or leave comments on my blog's)
Today I want to talk a promiscuous women, women who sleep around, women who "fuck who them wah fuck".
Before putting this on paper I did several little surveys on networking sites such as twitter and facebook seeking peoples opinions on promiscuous women. Men were pretty consistent saying women should not sleep around but the answers I secured from women varied from one extreme to the other.
This brought me to the conclusion that:
a) Most men do not approve of women being promiscuous, when settling down a man wants to know that the girl he is courting is "wife" material. It may be possible for a promiscuous woman to settle down (in my opinion) but it can be something that presents a major problem when a woman comes to this point. Think about it a formerly promiscuous woman when asked how many sex partners she has had by her prospective "soul mate" always blatantly lies because she knows men place great value on a woman's sexual restraint
b) women would all be promiscuous is it were not for three things "pregnancies" "diseases" "reputation" . If none of these were and issue what would stop every woman from sleeping with every and any person they wanted to ?
I have to admit researching this topic has brought to light the similarities between men and women sexually
WE ALL LOVE TO FUCK IT SEEMS (read my previous blog "I wanna fuck every girl in the world http://fudgiespringer.blogspot.com/2009/07/mi-wah-fuck-every-girl-in-world.html)
Women may even enjoy sex more than us men surveys show that by age 21 the average woman has slept with 9 different partners while for the average man its only 7 at that age.To further strengthen the point let me explain why over all these years we were under the misconception that men enjoy sex more than women. Women get offered sex on 99% of the encounters they have with males. The world to women is like a buffet of dick, they can pick choose and refuse. So them seemingly not stressing or chasing sex would make it seem as if they don't want it as much as us men. But look at our situation we rarely get offers, and we have to work to get ours so to speak. And even after we put in the blood, sweat and tears, its still really the woman who decides when she ready to fuck you.
Let's revisit the topic at hand. Why do women sleep around???
1. Competition - some women believe that when dating a "good" man other girls are after him so they have to put it on him to keep him interested
2. No time for a relationship - Lets keep it real, relationships ain't always heaven on earth keep it real more times than not relationships are the opposite. Relationships require a lot of time dedication and sacrifice, for some women its more desirable to keep things casual than to have the "inconvenience" of a boyfriend. Dating, sleeping with who they want and not worrying about hurting anyone's feelings
3. Hurt in the past - Some women are genuinely afraid of commitment usually because of past relationships, and are unwilling to put themsleves in a position where they can get hurt again
4. Revenge - I'm not a big advocate of getting even with your pussy but it happens alot, Bun fi Bun as we used to call it in Jamaica
5. Getting over their EX - some women use casual sex to get over their exes, they sleep with multiple men to help them "move on"
6. Cant say No - I have met women like this (I love y'all) They just can't say "NO" when put in a sexual situation (GOD BLESS YOU lol)
7. Fuck and collect - call it gold digging, call it smart, call it stupid but some woman will fuck multiple men for their possessions and for what they can do for a woman financially
8. SEX IS FUN - This I think is one of the main reasons, Women like to fuck bottom line!!!